Sunday, May 16, 2010

Spiritual Sunday

God wants us to be embraced by the light of the sun and warmed by the love in his heart. He wants us to hear the whisper of butterfly and feel the softness of prayer. His hope is that we will notice his gentle hand swaying the seas to sleep and see the tender way he holds a baby. His colors are majestic and his heart is pure; he is divine nature. His love is infinite, immense, and endearing.

The past several days have been a whirlwind. It was Prom, Mother's Day, 2 Birthdays, and a long week of work. We wrapped up a blessed week with supper in Austin, TX with my niece. She is a sweet young woman and senior at the University of Texas. My son had a fun time at the prom last weekend. I had a very restful and enjoyable Mother's Day. My daughter's birthday was Tuesday but it being a school night we didn't take her out to celebrate until yesterday. My week of work was long and exhausting yet exhilarating. I am happily thankful that God has blessed me with the skills and a job to take care of my family. He told me to trust him and he would take care of us, and he has. He told me to have courage and take leaps of faith, and I have. I am a believer of God. I am a work in progress. I am the daughter of the King of Heaven!

Prom May 2010 ~ Fun, Friends, and Memories!
Birthday Girl ~ Gifts, Giggle, and Good Times!
Saturday dinner with my niece ~ She's Awesome!

Me at my office ~ Long Hours, Huge Blessings!

Looking back at this past week I can see God in every aspect of my life. I see him in my children, my family, my home, my job, and most of all in my heart. I see God in Charlotte and Ginger over at Spiritual Sunday. They reached out to us last year when we were working through the details of my job relocation to our new city. They were the spiritual friends that God sent. We have never met in person but we met in spirit, and for that I am eternally grateful to God. I encourage you to reach out when you are in need of help, love, and support. I also encourage you to reach your hand to help someone in need of God's love. May God bless you with a wonderful week up ahead.
Yoli :)


  1. What a beautiful testimony of the Lord being in your life. God is so good! I'm so glad that you share your faith with us each week, you are a inspiration to me.

  2. You have a wonderful family and God is blessing you for your faithfulness.
    Have another great week-but perhaps not as busy? A cyber hug to you :)

  3. How nice that even though your week has been very busy you have not forgotten where God is in the midst of it all.

  4. It is wonderful to read of God's faithfulness in your life. You have a lovely family! Thank you for sharing.

  5. What a sweet post. I'm happy that God has blessed you in all these ways. Thank you for sharing with us.
