Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Jesus and the Woman at the Well ~ John 4
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Christmas Wish List
I'm so excited to find Crow's Nest Trading Company online. It is the perfect store catalogue for me. I am a south Texas bluejean wearing, boot stomping, turquoise loving western diva. I was amazed at how fast I filled up my Christmas wish list.
Now it's your turn. What's on your "kid" wish list?
Ya'll be sure you dream, it's free and priceless!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Living Healthy
My sister Angela came by my office a while ago to pickup the Weight Watchers book I borrowed a few weeks ago. It was good to see her. Angela has been exercising and following a healthy diet. ANGELA LOOKS SO GREAT & BEAUTIFUL!!!
I love soups, salads, and iced-tea; so that sounds like a good lunch for today. Would it be bad of me to sneak-in a chocolate-dipped strawberry? Living healthy can be fun!
Hispanic Heritage Month
I am a Hispanic American. Like the majority of Americans, my family has been in the United States for generations. Living in the Rio Grande Valley of deep south Texas, allows me the privelage of enjoying my culture. I was taught self-esteem, financial independence, service to country, and to work towards my goals. All of my family is college educated, owns businesses, works hard, serves others, and believes that America is one nation under God. We participate in politics, attend Christian church, and place God & family first.
Each year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15, by celebrating the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America. The Library of Congress, National Archives and Records Administration, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service, Smithsonian Institution and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum join in paying tribute to the generations of Hispanic Americans who have positively influenced and enriched our nation and society.
Lets take time to celebrate and honor those in our family who came before us. Please feel free to share your special family memories, accomplishments, struggles, and special stories.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Over the Top ~ Blog Award
I was nominated and was presented this award from blogger friend Suzy at Suzy Bloomers Thank you so much Suzy for the nomination. I am so excited and honored...YEAH. Please take time to visit Suzy’s blog, she totally rocks!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Apron Sneak Preview
Friday, September 25, 2009

My Beloved Latina
We get so many requests for the "Latina Senoritas" aprons. I guess it makes sense since we're in deep south Texas in the beautiful Rio Grande Valley. We have these availabe at our JOY Marie's Boutique.
Proverbs 31 Ministries
My sister Jessica introduced me to Proverbs 31 Ministries. I follow their blog and I signed up for their daily inspirational email. I have used their blog to help through difficult times. Their wisdom of the Lord is inspiring and calming. I am forever appreciative of my Jessica for guiding me to these precious nuggets of Christian faith.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Friday Road Trip ~ Weslaco, TX
Hola Amigos, welcome to my home town Weslaco, TX . We are "Deep in the Heart of Texas". Pull up a chair. Kick-off your boots and sit a spell. Can I offer you a cold Margarita with extra lime?
LOVE IT ~ Pottery Barn

I can see myself lounging around in this gorgeous outdoor sitting area. I found this pic online at PotteryBarn. There are so many beautiful things on their website. I love the sectional sofa because you can cozy up with a good book or with the love of your life. The pillows look so plush and inviting. The hanging lanterns are adorable and the fireplace is the perfect host. I just love all it.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Daddy's Girl

On September 23, 2005 my father passed away. I believe that God has blessed my dad with a new life of kindness, peace, and love. When I was growing up, I was "Daddy Girl". My father was bigger than life to me. He taught us to dream bigger than this world, to be well-mannered, and that life is too short. I have his spirit, short-comings, and his walk. I wish I could get a "do-over" and cherish each moment I had with him. I wish I could have slowed down my life to listen to his words of wisdom. Gone too soon....
I love you Dad.
Yoli, forever "Daddy Girl"
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Autumn is finally here!

There are so many things I love about autumn. As a child I loved watching "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown". Now, I love it even more because I watch it with my kids. I believe we can still have simple and special family time, without having to leave the house or spend tons of money. I choose to have the faith of Charlie Brown and believe in something special greater than me.
What are your special autumn memories, or new memories you are making?
Monday, September 21, 2009
Pepper Dog

Sunday, September 20, 2009
The Sewing Sweat Shop

BLAHHHH. Need to clean my sewing room, or as my son calls it "The Sweat Shop". We put the treadmill in sewing room because it has a direct view to the televison, so that meant that I had to move things around. I guess now it really is going to be a Sweat Shop. I'm determined to get the room cleaned and organized this evening.
Ya'll have a blessed Sunday!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Health ~ Happiness ~ Humor

Here is a picture our wall decor that we have as you walk into our home: Health ~ Happiness ~ Humor. We have perfected happiness and humor, but health is a challenge. We live a busy life and too often pick-up fast food. It is my 16 year old son Vinny who is getting us back on the health track. We found a treadmill on Craigslist yesterday at a great price and brought it home last night!!! Now the fun and work starts.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Better Safe than Sorry
Victorian Harvest Apron
Last night I stayed up to sew the pockets and hem on a Victorian Harvest Apron. I am using a cute beige lace and added a green rick-rack. The apron is reversible with a deep red lining. I truly enjoy sewing because I can calm down, be creative, and feel proud of myself.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Congratulations Kevin Skinner
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
You go Girl
I see so many beautiful blogs out there and I wish I could be more computer savvy. I have to hand it to you ladies, your blogs look amazing. Also, I love the photos you take. I wonder if I ask Santa for fancy new digital camera/recorder, if I will get it for Christmas. Hey, it doesn't hurt to :)
Ya'll have a spectacular day!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
WOW ~ Look at what Jessica designed.
Country Music Concert
The kids and I went to a country music concert at Dodge Arena this past week. Billy Currington played awesome, and looked so handsome!!! Sugarland was the headline, and they were beyond excellent. It was one of the best concerts I have ever been to. The best part was that I got to attend with my kids. Great Music ~ Great Memories!!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Kitchen Bar Stools
I need to buy 4 bar stools for my kitchen. We are 3 of us at home, Vinny, Gigi, and I. We are down to 2 bar stools because a couple of bar stools broke in the past few weeks. It must be the cushiony seat and swivel spin that makes them playful. I bought a temporary stool yesterday, but ended up returning it this morning because it was too high. We have a large island in the kitchen that my dad built years ago, which we call a "continent". I'm not sure what style of stools to buy, but they have to match with our shabby chic country kitchen. I'm a Texas gal, so something rustic and leather will fit in well. I found the painted stools online (in the pic) and I could paint standard stools but I don't know if I want people sitting on my work....LOL.
Wish me luck in my search!
Yoli :)
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Typical Sunday
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Day at the SPA
Today 2 southern chicks are going to the SPA. My daughter Gigi and I are headed to the SPA to get manicures, pedicures, and massages. We are invited to a 40th wedding anniversary party tonight. Gigi is 14 yrs and freshman in highschool. I am making sure that I enjoy all the time I have left with her before she leaves to college. I'm known as a mother-hen, which is fine with me. God blessed me with Gigi, and I am so appreciative and proud to be her mommy. Today we're splurging at the SPA, but many times we do our own spa treatments at home. Take some time today with someone you love to build lasting memories.
Enjoy your weekend!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Sweet Onions
My kids have a huge passion for onions! They absolutely love grilled onions and onion rings. Every year we have a huge onion festival in my hometown of Weslaco, TX My sister and I setup a booth for our JOY Marie's Boutique and the kids got to run around to all the food booths.
Onion Scoops ~ Recipe
2 large onions, sliced in scoop sizes for easy dipping.
1 cup buttermilk
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 Tbsp salt
2 tsp paprika
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
Vegetable oil for frying
Separate onions into scoop strips. Mix with buttermilk in a large bowl. Cover with plastic and refrigerate 1 hour. Can be prepared 1 day ahead if kept refrigerated. Stir flour, salt, paprika and cayenne in another large bowl. Drain onions and discard buttermilk. Add onions to flour mixture and toss to coat. Pour oil into a heavy saucepan to a depth of 3 inches. Heat oil to 350 degrees F. Working in small batches, shake excess flour off of onions and cook in hot oil until golden brown and crispy, about 2 minutes per batch. Using slotted spoon, transfer onions to paper towels to drain. Transfer onions to platter. Season with additional salt to taste and serve immediately.
Secret Southern Touch:
Dip the crispy onion scoops into a bowl of spicy salsa or guacamole dip.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Where have the years gone?
It seems like it was just yesterday that they were in elementary school. I will miss them when they leave to go to college. Yet, I will be most proud when they grow-up and can fly on their own. If there are any empty-nester parents, I welcome your advise as to how to prepare myself for the letting go.
I love you Vincent & Gina!
Aaron Sanchez, Chef / Food Network
He is a restaurateur, television personality, consultant, spokesperson and author. He is known internationally for his full flavored Latin cuisine. Aarón’s mother is a renowned Latina Chef, Zarela Martinez. Aaron began his career with Food Network and now co-hosts Melting Pot, Chopped, Chefs vs. City, Iron Chef, Next Iron Chef, Throwdown with Bobby Flay, Food Detectives and more. Aarón is the owner and executive chef of restaurants Paladar and Centrico, both located in New York City. In 2003, his first book, La Comida del Barrio (The food from my neighborhood) was published.In 2004, Aarón opened up Centrico an energetic and festive restaurant. In 2005 Aarón was named one of People En Espanol's 50 Most Beautiful People.
Tune in to Food Network for sizzling Latin flavor with Chef Aaron Sanchez.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Like Mother ~ Like Daughter
I love Mommy & Me style aprons. My daughter and I started baking cookies when she was very young. We had Cookie Baking Parties for birthdays and Christmas. I used to get worked-up when the cookies were perfect or the kitchen got messy. Thanks to years and wisdom, it now matters that we enjoy time together, making a mess, and making memories. My daughter is a teenager now, so I need increase my time baking with her before she leaves to college.
“Everyone who quotes proverbs will quote this proverb about you: ‘Like mother, like daughter.’” Ezekiel 16:44
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Loteria Apron

Lotería is a tradition that involves art, passion, culture, and hobby of the upper class. The origin of Lotería can be traced back to the 15th century in Italy, where games were organized to collect funds for the poor. The game migrated to other countries. In France, King Francis formed the first state sponsored Loteria lottery game. Loteria arrived in Mexico in during the 18th century from Spain. Now known as Mexican Bingo, Loteria is fun for all.
I remember playing this game with my great-grandmother Luisa, my grandmother Celedonia, and my mom Benita. Family and friends would gather around in kitchens and porches. Everyone had loteria boards and chips to place on the board as cards were called out. We often used dried beans or bottle caps as chips. We sometimes played for pennies, but we always played for fun. When I found this fabric, it brought back memories and I knew I had to buy it. I made this apron with love for my culture and respect for my heritiage.
Con Amor,