Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Queen of the Kitchen

My mother gave some delicious corn tortillas to us a few days ago.  You know she is trying to tell me that I need to cook more often, LOL.   Two days in a row I made Mexican meals.  The thing about authentic corn tortillas is that they are best used fresh.  They heat up on griddle "comal" (in Spanish) and come out so soft and tasty.  If you don't use them right away, they can be stored in the refrigerator or even the freezer for future use.  Another great way to use corn tortillas is to make Cheese Quesadillas.  I love soft shell tacos with beef, lettuce, tomatoes, and extra avocado.  I also made Vermicelli "Fidello" for my daughter.  She likes a basic recipe and then add lemon to flavor.  I don't understand the lemon part but she says it is very good.  We used about half of the corn tortillas my mother gave us and will save the rest.  I hope I made my mom proud by carrying on the tradition of cooking authentic Mexican food.  I know my kids were happy with my cooking.  I am Queen of my Kitchen!

First you have to put on a Spanish Senorita apron!

** Funny thought:  If I'm the "Queen" of my kitchen, why am I having to cook on budget? 


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  2. Your newest follower from the blog hop! Wonderful blog, have a great day!!

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  7. That looks yummy!!

    Thanks for linking up with Handmade Wednesday! Hope to see you again next week! I'm now following your blog :D
