Ahh, the romance of new and old love. It is a wonderful gift from God to be able to love sweetly, passionately, and with such devotion. This
Spiritual Sunday my heart is filled with gratitude, happiness and hope. Yesterday had planned a day of shopping for more flowers for our garden but God had a different plan. He wanted to plant seeds of sisterly love, so instead we went to the move
Letters to Juliet. It was a girls day out; my Aunt Connie, my daughter Gina, and myself. We were 3 generations of single women enchanted with love. It was the perfect Saturday afternoon watching the perfect love story.

Mother Teresa said that people hunger for love more than they hunger for bread. Today lets reach out to someone with a smile, a phone call, or a gesture of patience. Lets not rush through the day based on our agenda, but instead dance through the music of God in our heart.
"But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble." Psalms 59:1616
Yoli :)