Spiritual Sundays with Ginger & Charlotte, oh what a blessed time again. Today is such special day because my kids and I went to a new church in our new city. This is the first weekend we have spent in our new home town, and going to Church was priority this morning. I know we have found our new spiritual home.

"God made my life complete when I placed the pieces before him. When I got my act together, he gave me a fresh start... God rewrote the text of my life when I opened the book of my heart to his eyes."
Psalm 18:20-24
My dear sisters, take your "pieces" and place them before the Lord. We aren't perfect. God knows that. He isn't going to snub us or refuse to accept us because we are broken. In fact, he wants us in pieces so he can recreate us into his masterpiece. I know that as I got my act together and started to prove to God that I was disciplined enough to manage more blessings, the doors of greatness started to open. God is not going to set us up for failure. He wants to give us a fresh start. Open your heart and eyes to the fact that God has a better place for our life. The scriptures are not just stories of days gone by, but instead are the script for our life.
So, if you are broken in pieces due to a tough relationship, or because of economic struggles, or even if your pride doesn't allow you to see the pieces; kneel before the Christ Jesus. He will make you whole. There will be scars as reminder of the journey but your beauty will shine through and bring forth new life.
God be with you! ~ Yoli :)