Sunday, October 25, 2009

Mommy & GiGi

Being the mother of a teen girl is special, fun, hard-work, challenging, and rewarding. I try to take time to build special memories with my teen daughter GiGi. I can't image the stress and crazyness of their teen world. They are bombarded by TV reality shows that tell them they must be perfect. The internet opens their door to a world they might not be ready for. So what is a parent to do, or a single mom to do?

I try to make special moments count. I remind her that she was created in the true beauty of God. I also find little things that mean a lot to her and we do them. We spend time talking, and that means I have to make sure I do more listening than talking. I don't always have patience but I always have love for her. This morning GiGi and I sneaked away for an early breakfast at Cracker Barrel. We talked, we laughed, and we spent quality time together. Gigi loves sock monkies, so she bought one from the Cracker Barrel store. I'm far from being an expert at raising a teen girl, but I know that God is leading our way.



  1. Sounds like you had a wonderful morning together. May that little sock monkey be a happy reminder of the precious time spent with your daughter.

  2. Amen, Yoli. You can't go wrong if God is leading you!!

  3. How great that you were able to spend some special one on one time with your teen! :) Thank you SO much for the visit today and the prayers for my little one. :)

  4. I love that - I hope when my kids are teens we can enjoy just spending time in each other's company. Thanks for stopping by today :)

  5. One of my most prized possessions is a sock monkey my dad bought for me when I was in college at this cool store called Southern Comforts. Of course, he also did this spot-on monkey imitation that went with it!

  6. oh so cute. I want to start a monkey collections..thanks for stopping by! you are doing great..! God Bless you!

  7. My daughter loves Sock monkeys too. I'll have to look in a Cracker Barrell for one.

    My first visit to your blog.
    I'm in Texas too, so I always like to find Texas bloggers.

