We all need soft touches of love in our life. Turn your surroundings into a sanctuary retreat that reflects your charm and personality. Use for inspiration the things around you. Our world is filled with natural beauties like flowers in gorgeous colors and textures. We are inspired to create our own warm and inviting spaces. I also like to add simple romantic touches to my office with flowers or art prints. Vintage hardware can be transformed into a focal point with the touch of natural greenery, ribbons, or flowers. You do not have to spend much to add whimsy to your home. Buy inexpensive mixed bouquet of fresh spring flowers at your local grocery store. Put the flowers in empty tin cans, drinking glasses, or bottles. In my opinion, antiques and collectibles should be celebrated and adorned. Use cheerful accessories and fabrics as a backdrop. The look is easy to achieve, and in no time you will be relaxing in a romantic space of your own. You are loved by God and you are special. Find the time to romance your spirit.
Tuesday Blog Hops