Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Single Woman ~ Married to God

“Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies. The heart of her husband safely trusts her; so he will have no lack of gain. She does him good and not evil all the days of her life.” Proverbs 31:10-12

"Those who love me will keep my word and my Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them". John 14:23

I love these two scriptures. As a single woman I often try to fit myself into the meaning of Proverbs 31:10-12. It is difficult to do because I’m not married, so officially I’m not a wife. I don’t have a husband to lavish with love and respect. My role as a single mom requires me to also be a “dad” and the “man” of the house. Yet, I still joyfully sing the praises of a true Christian marriage.

For me, being married to God is a vocation. It isn’t formal but instead it’s spiritual. Marriage to God is about loving Him passionately and doing everything to make our dreams come true. God has dreams for me and my family, just as a husband has dreams for his family. Traditional wives are called to honor their husband in everything. I too feel called to honor God in all that I do. He is my partner. Like in a traditional marriage, my relationship with God needs to be intimate and respectful. I have to make a conscious effort to follow God’s lead and not let my pride or stubbornness get in the way. Marriage to God is relying on Him, believing Him, and obeying Him.

In John 14:23, I am reassured of God’s love if I keep His word. God is telling me that He will make a home for me. He will teach me through his son Jesus Christ and He will inspire me through the Holy Spirit. God will furnish our home with the Holy Trinity and fill our home with love, respect, passion, trust, and faith. Isn’t that what marriage is?

Yoli :)


  1. What a great post...I too believe we have a special relationship with our God. We owe Him more than we can give. When we spend time with Him as we should, He blesses our lives and every relationship in our lives. Hope you have a blessed day:)

  2. Enjoyed meeting you today via your blog:)

    I'm reminded that the Proverbs 31 woman in actuality was a single woman!

    King Lemul's mother was teaching her son what kind of woman to look for in a wife in this passage....and what she would be like after he married her if he married the right woman!


