Monday, April 26, 2010

Tuesday ~ Colorful blankets

Decorating on a Single-Mom budget can be challenging, especially when everything I like is so expensive. I do my best to find thrifty bargains and turn trash into treasures. I just bought a daybed on Craigslist that I am trying to decorate. I have an old "Zarape" (Mexican blanket) that belonged to my mother that I am using as the daybed cover. It really fits well on the bed and the price is the best I am sewing matching pillows and hopefully will be done next week. I really have to toot my own horn by saying that our house in our new city is really coming together. I have managed to decorate the house on a budget and with a talent for revamping things.

Above is a picture of the border town in Mexico that is just across my hometown. Through the years I have found many bargains.

I love the Ruby Red Tuesday colors in these Mexican blankets. I have started to incorporate reds into my home decor. I love the rich textures too.
It is truly worth the money to buy handmade blankets in Mexico. The crafter's talents are exquisite. It takes many long hours to finish a zarape blanket. It is a skill that is passed on through generations. The women take pride in their work and justifiably so.
Here are more women of talent. Go by and visit these blogs and get inspired. It doesn't take much money to make a house look beautiful. Like me, find an old blanket and turn it into a treasure centerpiece.

Have a terrific Tuesday!
Yoli :)


  1. I've used them as throw rugs to bring color to a room...I like your idea too.

    :::PUNCH!!::: Red One!! You've been alert...commercial, straight ahead. [In other words, mine's posted]

  2. Good choice for Ruby Tuesday. I love serapes, too.

    Here's my RT entry.

  3. Is zarape a particular kind of blanket or does the word mean "blanket"? Luv the pics--Thanks for sharing!

  4. Yoli, will be waiting to see the day bed with the zarape and the pillows.

    Have a great rest of the week.


  5. The colours on those blankets are incredible! There is a Mexican craft shop near my parents in Edinburgh, and I'll have to look in there, although I guess the import prices will be a bit shocking.

    I can't wait to see your finished daybed. It will be all the better for having family memories on it.

  6. Yoli, I just love all the vivid colors! Red is one of my favorites that I use in decorating. A dear friend of mine has several of these zarape's and she decorates a lot with them. I can't wait to see your daybed! I just moved too and getting it all done is somewhat of a challenge...of course, I'm much older than you! :-)

    Thanks so much for sharing! I hope you have a blessed week ~


  7. Thanks for sharing these photos -- I felt like visiting the town with you. :) The blankets are beautiful.

    Greetings from Munich,

  8. I'm so excited to have found your blog, I can't wait to learn more about you & your life. Are those blankets all yours? They are amazing. The colours of Mexico are so appealing, bright & bold. See you again xo
