Saturday, January 23, 2010

Spiritual Sundays

As I join in on Spiritual Sundays with Charlotte and Ginger, I feel the fellowship of Christian believers coming together in love and support. I also join in prayer for Charlotte and that her surgery goes well next month. May the Lord bless her with healing, health, and recovery.

As single parent families increase in America, the need for Single Parent Family Ministries (SPFM) gets higher in demand. Regardless of the reason a person ends-up being a single parent, it is our Christian obligation to reach out. Many times single parents feel alone in their struggles and ashamed of their circumstances. "Do not oppress the widow or the orphan, the alien or the poor..." Zechariah 7:10
As a single mom myself, I know those feelings too well. With the grace of God and fellowship with Christian women of faith, my life has purpose and support. Incorporating a SPFM into a church can seem overwhelming. False perceptions that single parents are too needy, desperately looking for a spouse, or have failed in their faith; can be a detrant. Assuming that children from single parents are problem kids and too much to handle; can also hinder the need for those children to be equally embraced by the church. An effective SPFM is more than just offering a single parent gathering with free babysitting, it is about reaching down to the core of a single parent's heart. It is about helping the single parent feel at home at their church. We need to tell the single parents families that we are there for them and that God is always with them, so they are never alone. . "I command you; be firm and steadfast! Do not fear nor be dismayed, for the Lord you God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9
Your sister in Christ,
Yoli :)


  1. Agree. There are things that individuals can do to help. My oldest daughter is babysitting a single mother's kids for free so that the mother is able go to the Beth Moore Bible study at church.

  2. This is a great ministry, and so relevant. A single friend of mine once told me she felt 'invisible' in her church - how sad that we are conditioned to think that some people are more valuable in church than others. It's so much the opposite of everything Jesus has taught us.

  3. this is such a heart post....God bless every way...Sarah

  4. Very insightful post. And so true. Thank you for sharing about a very important ministry, Yoli.

  5. I just couldn't agree more Yoli. The need has become a VERY relevent one for sure. Thanks for sharing your heart here. I am praying for you and your children. Blessings to you this week, Debbie

  6. Yoli, This is so true! I will pray for you and for the SPFM. Thank-you for sharing this today it is something that needs to be recognized.
    Blessings to you,

  7. You are reaching out and blessing so many people. Thanks!

  8. You are right. This is a very needed and important ministry in churches. Thank you for giving your perspective of it. I so admire single parents who are bringing their children up in the Lord. It isn't easy, but certainly possible with His help.

  9. Thanks for sharing this information. This is something we need to not over look in our churches.

  10. I agree with you, Dear. God bless you and your family.

  11. I don't know how I would do it as a single parent. I so agree with this post. May God give you grace, strength, wisdom and patience!

  12. Wonderful post. As a married single parent (hubby works a ton), I can completely understand the need.
