Sunday, October 17, 2010

Spiritual Sunday - Courage

I depend on God to carry me through my day, especially as a single mother.  He has placed safe-guards in my life to help me through.  He gives me true-life examples so I can see and follow.  God has given me my mother who has lead by example.  My mom is faith in motion and every area of her life is lead by her faith.  Her courage has taught me to believe that great things can happen and that they all start one step a time.  God has also taught me courage through my sisters.  They are my best friends and I admire them so much.  My sister Gracie is sincere love, non-judgemental, and always strong in wisdom.  Angela is courage and faith on fire.  She has a love and appreciation of life.  Jessica is beauty in motion which starts deep in her heart, and radiates in all areas of her life.  I am blessed to have them as great example of courage and love.

Step Out in Faith
Print by Kevin A. Williams


  1. Praise God for these women in your life. They have been great role models and encouragers!
    No doubt, you are passing those traits onto your children. God bless you, Yoli.

  2. That verse is one of my favorites! Have a beautiful Sunday, Yoli.

  3. Wonderful blessings in our lives all around us. This is a beautiful reminder. Have a lovely Sunday.

  4. It is so wonderful that you have Godly women in your life. Have a blessed day.

  5. Moms and sister are the BEST! Have a wonderful week Yoli!!!

  6. You are truly blessed to have these God loving women in your life.I'm sure they would all same the same beautiful things about you!
    God Bless,

  7. Hi Yoli,
    This is a true blessing to have such encouragers in your life!!! And I'll just bet that you are their inspiration too!!!

  8. aww.. i love this post. =)

    God is truly amazing! Praise be to the Almighty!

  9. You are blessed to have a mother who leads her children by example and to have wonderful sisters. I missed your linking to S.S. this week so I went back to last week's list to click on your link. I was gone last weekend and didn't get to visit everyone like I usually do.
    Blessings to you, dear Yoli.

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