When I was growing up, we were taught manners and were expected to follow them at all times. My father took the lead role of teaching us to be respectful and consideration towards other people. He made sure that we understood that manners were expected at home and in public. My mother taught us social and business etiquette. She lead by example in all parts of her life. Teaching our children about manners must start at an early age, if we are to expect good results. Being caring towards others and having self-respect are two areas to start teaching. Teens need to learn how to get along in social situations so they can carry it with them in college. Teaching manners is also very valuable in business settings. Companies hire Etiquette Coaches for their employees, especially those who travel abroad. Learning other cultures and being respect toward diversity are essential to business success. Internet social media sites also need to be handled with manners. There are different considerations because much of the conversations are in text context, yet there are basic etiquette rules to follow. Good manners don't require extensive research, in fact it starts with basic common sense and following the golden-rule, "Do onto others as you would like to be done onto you".
In honor of Emily Post, on her birth date, I share with you her ongoing work at The Emily Post Insitute
Emily Post (October 27, 1872 – September 25, 1960) was an American author on etiquette. She lived a privileged life, educated at home, and married a prominent banker. They had 2 children but the marriage ended a few years later. Emily Post became a household name as she wrote travel books, etiquette books, spoke on a radio show, and rote a column. In 1946, she founded The Emily Post Institute which continues her work. Her work inspires a new era of etiquette for the 21st century. The Emily Post Institute has a vast source of information on-line at
www.emilypost.com and books are available on-line and at most national book stores.
Etipedia® - Etiquette + Encyclopedia search topics
Wedding Etiquette - Brides, Grooms, Families, Guests, Attendants, Engaged, New Times and New Traditions, Planning the Wedding, Wedding Invitations and Announcements, Wedding Attire, Wedding Registries, Gifts, Thank-yous, The Wedding Day, Remarriage, Guide for Guests.
Everyday Etiquette - Technology, Holidays, Celebrations, How Rude, Entertaining, Table Manners, Guidelines for Living, Important manners for Everyday Life, Common Courtesies, Your Personal Image.
Business Etiquette - Corporate Seminars, Train the Trainer, Business Image Consulting, Speeches, Spokesperson, Etiquette Abroad, The Interview, The Job Search, Client and Customers, Office Issues, The Social Side of Business, Workplace Relationships.
Home and Family - Children Seminars, Train the Trainer Children, Etiquette in School, College and Beyond, Teen Scene, Family Life at Home, Pregnancy, Birth, Adoption, Children, Teens, Today's Families, Separation and Divorce
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