Saturday, December 12, 2009
Old Books ~ New Beginnings
I love old books. There is something about them that intrigues me. I wonder about the story behind the stories. I image the numerous people who have read them and what they learned from them. I like the feel of old books and the smell of aging grace. Most of all, I love that our beloved Father God left for us the Holy Bible, filled with His teachings and hopes for us. I am starting to pack-up for our relocation. I have so many books that I need to sort through. It is hard letting them go because they have become a part of me. But, I know that new beginnings bring new blessings too. With care and patience I will go through all of them and only keep a few special ones. The other ones will be donated and hopefully bless another person as I have been blessed.
Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching.
Timothy 4:13 (NIV)
Your Sister in Christ,
I feel the exact same way about my books!